Why Join

  • We have a wide range of financial services available with a variety of discounts and free services for members
  • Competitive loan interest rates
  • Encouragement and advice on a regular savings programme
  • Return on your savings through annual dividends and loan interest rebates
  • Pay into your savings or pay off your loan by a standing order or direct debit without calling into the office
  • Full online banking and mobile app facility available on our website and on both Apple & Android App stores
Join Us

How do I Join?

Joining is Easy! To be eligible for membership of Celtic Credit Union Limited you must be living or working within our common bond area.

The common bond is the factor which unites all the members of Celtic Credit Union - it is what all members have in common, where they live. Because of the common bond, all members have the good of Celtic Credit Union at heart; they know and trust each other.

You need to present 2 forms of identification to join and a minimum of £3.00 is needed to open the account and keep it activated.

Two forms of identification

One form of ID from each of the sections below is required:
  1. Personal identification - preferably with a photograph. However, if you do not have these documents don't worry, talk to us and we can look at other options.
  2. Address verification - must show the address where you currently live and be dated within the last three months, e.g. a household bill or bank statement.

You will also need to provide your National Insurance number.

If you need to get money quickly, please fill in our online loan application form, or call us for help.

Thank you for calling me back when you said you would and promptly dealing with all of my queries. I am thoroughly happy with the excellent level of service you have provided.

Natalie from Port Talbot

Membership Form

Joining Celtic Credit Union has never been easier